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Article Navigation. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Volume 8. Article Contents Abstract. Hypersecretion of luteinizing hormone and the polycystic ovary syndrome. Balen Adam H. Oxford Academic. Google Scholar. Cite Cite Adam H. Blood tests to measure hormone levels, an ultrasound to look at your reproductive organs and thorough personal and family histories should be completed before a PCOS diagnosis is confirmed.
Depending on your symptoms, your physician will determine exactly which tests are necessary. Assessing hormone levels serves two major purposes.
First of all, it helps to rule out any other problems that might be causing the symptoms. Secondly, together with an ultrasound and personal and family histories, it helps your doctor confirm that you do have PCOS. Most often, the following hormone levels are measured when considering a PCOS diagnosis:. LH and FSH are the hormones that encourage ovulation. Once the egg is released by the ovary, the LH levels goes back down. While this used to be considered an important aspect in diagnosing PCOS, it is now considered less useful in diagnosing PCOS, but is still helpful when looking at the overall picture.
All women have testosterone in their bodies. There are two methods to measure testosterone levels:. Total testosterone refers to the total amount of all testosterone, including the free testosterone, in your body.
The range for this is 6. Free testosterone refers to the amount of testosterone that is unbound and actually active in your body. This amount usually ranges from 0. Women with PCOS often have an increased level of both total testosterone and free testosterone.
DHEA-S or dehydroepiandrosterone is another male hormone that is found in all women. DHEA-S is an androgen that is secreted by the adrenal gland. Prolactin is a pituitary hormone that stimulates and sustains milk production in nursing mothers.
However, it is important to check for high prolactin levels in order to rule out other problems, such as a pituitary tumor, that might be causing PCOS-related symptoms.
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