SEO Description. Canonical URL. Meta Robots Tag index, follow index, nofollow noindex, nofollow noindex, follow. Langauge Tag hi. Top 5 mobs changes in Minecraft 1. Top 5 things you probably didn't know about skeleton horses in Minecraft Top 5 things you probably didn't know about skeleton horses in Minecraft 55 d ago. Stray in Minecraft: Everything you need to know Stray in Minecraft: Everything you need to know d ago.
Top 5 things players need to know about hostile mobs in Minecraft Top 5 things players need to know about hostile mobs in Minecraft d ago. How to summon a spider jockey in Minecraft How to summon a spider jockey in Minecraft d ago. Skeleton vs Stray in Minecraft: What's the difference? Top 5 best mobs to farm in Minecraft Top 5 best mobs to farm in Minecraft d ago. Skeletons Horses in Minecraft: Everything players need to know Skeletons Horses in Minecraft: Everything players need to know d ago.
Contact Us. GDPR Compliance. Writer Awards. Tech Blog. Minecraft Zombie. Minecraft Server. Minecraft XP Farm. Minecraft Paintings. Minecraft Diamonds. Minecart In Minecraft. Minecraft Books. Minecraft Lectern. Minecraft Skins. Minecraft Flowers. Minecraft Wither. Glad I could help. Out of curiosity, how does the 1 block thick thing work?
I finally found it in the wiki: If you use your bed, and have a door with a right hinge as viewed from the outside , monsters can still get to you and wake you up, as though no door was present. Donniel Thomas Donniel Thomas 3 3 silver badges 7 7 bronze badges. It's not so much that a right-hinge door is the problem, but that both doors should lay flush with the outside wall.
Jeb recently tweeted the following: New bed behavior Once you sleep you're safe This means that as of Minecraft's official release next week, you will never have to worry about being woken by monsters again. Raven Dreamer Raven Dreamer k gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Sleeping in a bed sometimes causes a mob to spawn next to you! Do you have a source on that nightmare comment? I don't find it believable that they want it to occur in totally safe areas.
It has been mentioned a few times in: getsatisfaction. Well, until I see an official statement, I don't see any reason to think it's intended behavior. Mana This is currently outdated, mobs only need 1x2x1 block to spawn. The head of the bed is touching the wall. The gamer The gamer 1 1 silver badge 14 14 bronze badges.
Could you elaborate your answer a little more? John the Green Gimmper Gimmper Nope, this dodes not work. Screenshot of the Week. Submit your photo Hall of fame. Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile. Screenshot of Week 51 [Submissions Closed]. Linked 3. It even may still be too dark. Without seeing your house in person I can't tell for sure what's wrong. User Info: DuneManta. If the windows aren't filled with glass, that may be the problem.
Either that or your room is not big enough User Info: somrandomguy The problem is the double door. I dunno why, but double doors does not stop monsters from spawning.
User Info: Kirne. User Info: xshdwknightx. You can try moving your bed to see if it makes it better. I had my bed near the wall, but not touching and it spawned monsters. As soon as I moved it a bit farther, I stopped getting monsters inside.
User Info: BK20I. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Question Status Stopping enemies spawning in my house?