Piano Key pattern of month years in 19 year Metonic Cycle. This means that by simply observing the calendar, we can determine which years correspond to this pattern of long years. Since the 20th century the first year on the Jewish calendar in the year groups began in , and again in , , , , , and The first month year of the current cycle occurred in , corresponding with C on the piano scales as year 3.
However, their first year in the cycle occurs 14 years after the Jewish system, or 5 years earlier in the over-lapping scale of time. So in , the Jewish calendar is at year 5 12 months , while the Witnesses are at year 10 also 12 months. The mis-matches between the two parallel systems occur in years 1, 9 and 12 of the Jewish system, when those years are short, whereas the Witnesses are observing long years 6, 14, and 17 at the same corresponding time.
Likewise, while the Jews are observing adar-adar, their 13th month in their years 3 and 14, Witnesses are starting Nisan a month earlier. This means that although Witnesses claim to follow the Jewish passover for Nisan 14, in 5 out of 19 years, there is a month difference in setting the date for Nisan According to this for both systems have a short year, with Nisan starting with the new moon just after the spring equinox.
That astronomical conjunction of the moon and the sun will occur at am on March 24 th 28 th day of the Jewish month Adar Jerusalem time, with the sun setting just before 6 pm.
In order for a star or a dark face moon to be visible, the sun must be at least 8 degrees below the horizon, and the body observed must be 3 degrees above the horizon. Therefore, the new moon will not be visible in Jerusalem that evening, even with the best weather, and the next day will be the 29th of Adar. The moon moves to the left of the sun when the sun is high in the sky in its daily arc, or it appears to rise above it at sunset at the rate of one diameter per hour or 0.
Therefore to separate from the sun by the required 11 degrees, at least 22 hours of time must elapse after the time of conjunction or point of passing in the observed sky.
Therefore, Witnesses will start their month of Nisan at sunset on Wednesday March 25 th. This means that Nisan 14 will begin at sunset on Tuesday, April 7 th , which is the evening set for the Memorial observance at Kingdom Halls and places of meeting. The above information is posted for the purposes of explaining the astronomy and calendar behind the setting of the date in Also see TheChristianQuest.
For two reasons the Greek phrase in question will repay a closer study than has heretofore been given it among many Bible students.
The larger lexicons do bring it out, but few have access to those works or facility in their use. A reference to Rev. We notice that the apostle lays down no rule as to the time, but only as to the manner of the observance. A note by G. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.
I think this is a JW misinterpretation. Knowing the time and date precisely was perfected as a mathematical art by the astronomer priests of Babylon. Erev Purim. Shushan Purim. Rosh Chodesh Nisan. Yom HaAliyah. Erev Pesach. Pesach I. Pesach II. Pesach V CH''M. Pesach VII. Pesach VIII. Yom HaShoah. Rosh Chodesh Iyyar.
Yom HaZikaron. Yom HaAtzma'ut. Pesach Sheni. Lag BaOmer. Yom Yerushalayim. Rosh Chodesh Sivan. Erev Shavuot. Shavuot I. Shavuot II. Rosh Chodesh Tamuz. Rosh Chodesh Av. Erev Tish'a B'Av. Tish'a B'Av observed. Tu B'Av. Rosh Chodesh Elul. Rosh Hashana LaBehemot. Leil Selichot. Erev Rosh Hashana. Rosh Hashana Rosh Hashana II. Erev Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur.
Erev Sukkot.