What should be legalized in malaysia

However, the lack of demand among the small group of Multiple Sclerosis patients in Malaysia drove them to stop supply. This category means it does not have any medical benefits.

Cannabis was also used openly until about when former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir waged a war on drugs following President Nixon in the U. It is illegal to use any substance to purely be intoxicated in Islam. However, it is permissible if it has medicinal benefits. The plant was traditionally used by the Malays, Indians, Chinese, and the other races in Malaysia for hundreds if not thousands of years.

GF: Is the current Malaysian government open to medical legalization of any kind? GF: Is Malaysia further ahead than other countries in Asia or are they behind in regards to cannabis reform?

Malaysia began a harm reduction programme in as part of efforts to curb the spread of HIV. The health minister said drug use was a complex, chronic condition that could be triggered by a variety of factors from family breakdown to poverty and peer pressure and was best treated in a medical setting rather than a prison.

The next session of parliament is due to begin on Monday. Dzulkefly did not say in his statement when the proposed changes in the law would be introduced. The separation of powers also occurs both at federal and state levels. The federal laws enacted by the federal assembly, known as the Parliament of Malaysia, apply throughout the country.

There are also state laws governing local governments and Islamic law enacted by the state legislative assembly which applies in the particular state. Legislative authority is the power to enact laws applicable to the Federation as a whole under Article 66 1 of Federal Constitution.

However, any law passed after 31 August which is inconsistent with the Constitution shall be void. Article 4 1. The Dewan Rakyat is fully elected and has members.

The duration of the life of each Parliament and State Legislatures is about five years and is split into one-year sessions, after which the session is terminated or prorogued, usually in September. The main subject areas of the Federal List are external affairs, defence, internal security, civil and criminal law, citizenship, finance, commerce and shipping industry, communications, health, and labour.

The State List comprises matters such as land, agriculture, forestry, local government, riverine fishing, Muslim law, etc. The Concurrent List, under authority of both the Federal and State Governments, covers social welfare, scholarships, protection of wildlife, and town and country planning.

Should any inconsistency between federal and state law exist, federal law takes precedence over state law. The Parliament generates a great number of publications containing law, primarily the federal statutes, which are officially published in the Government Gazettes by the Government Printer.

As at February , there are Acts that have been enacted and published under the series of Laws of Malaysia. Both of the print copy and online version of such publications are made available by the commercial publishers and a government printer.

The Malaysian Parliament website offers the largest number of full texts of Acts of Parliaments enacted since in pdf format, free of charge. The only obstacle to finding the Acts of Parliament from this website is that one must know the name of the Acts in order to find it.

The Acts are currently available only up to the year The Bills on the other hand, are quite current. Constitution of Malaysia:. The e-Federal Gazette was officially launched on 26 April This is the official portal for the publication of all federal legislation.

The online gazetting will be carried out in stages. The federal legislation can be accessed and downloaded at no charge from this portal. However, users are reminded that the legislation downloaded and printed from this portal do not constitute copies of the Gazette printed by the Government Printer i.

It is the only official and authoritative publication of the laws of Malaysia. The LOM series incorporates all principal laws of Malaysia enacted after , as well as pre laws which have been revised by the Commissioner of Law Revision. Laws of Sarawak :. Contains only the list of Sarawak State ordinances. Laws of Sabah - Sabah LawNet :. It is comprehensive and easy to use and is geared toward government officers, practicing lawyers, legal advisors, academics, law students, and the general public who have a daily need to refer to Sabah laws.

Sabah State Government Gazette :. The legislation in the website is published every Thursday and is available from the year Malaysian LawNet - Government Gazette :.

Commonly known as LawNet, this website commercially provides authoritative texts of the Laws of Malaysia. This website consists of all Federal legislation of Laws of Malaysia series from Act 1 to the present day. There are over such enactments currently available to subscribers.

In addition, selected subsidiary legislation is also available. Any new enactments are put online as soon as they become available. All legislation is consolidated - i. WestLaw Malaysia :. A Case analysis document is prepared for each case reported which allows the user to understand the importance of the case they are reading and to ascertain how each cited case is rated by the reported case. Legal Workbench Malaysia :. It is a subscription portal that caters especially to the research and legal information needs of the legal community in Singapore and Malaysia.

Legal Workbench is the authoritative focal point of Singapore legal information. You can also check parallel citation on various law reports of Malaysia as well as to check how the Malaysian courts value on the cited cases. Executive Authority - Source of Subsidiary Legislation. The Executive is vested with the authority to govern and administer the laws by way of delegated and drafts Bills as provided under Article 39 of the Federal Constitution.

The power to govern that is vested in the Yang di-Pertuan Agong , however, is exercisable by a Cabinet of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister. Each executive act of the Federal Government flows from his Royal authority, whether directly or indirectly. However, in accordance with the principle of a democratic ruling system, the Chief Executive is the Prime Minister. The Yang di-Pertuan Agong appoints a Cabinet - a council of Ministers - to advise him in the exercise of his functions.

The Ministers hold different portfolios and are collectively responsible for all decisions made by the Cabinet, which is the highest policy-making body in the country. To ensure the smooth enforcement of the law, the Government has set up various agencies to achieve its objectives. The government agencies are comprised of three main components, namely ministries, departments, and statutory bodies. At the ministerial level, the functions of the main agencies are to formulate, control, and implement government policies; while at departmental levels the agencies are responsible for implementing all the policies.

Agencies of statutory bodies are semi-governmental in structure and are responsible for carrying out duties assigned to them to meet the government's policies. Ministries are the highest bodies in the federal administrative machinery.

Each ministry is responsible for formulating, planning, controlling, and coordinating government policies pertaining to its functions. It is also the responsibility of the ministry to control departments and statutory bodies under it.

A ministry is normally headed by a minister who holds a certain portfolio. The organizational structure of the ministries is divided into several divisions or units depending on their size. Bookmark Bookmark Share. Close Top Stories. Rashvinjeet S. File photo: Bernama.

Malaysian MPs launch bipartisan effort to review regulations on medical cannabis, ketum plant.


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