If you fail to appear, you will also be exposed to penalties, the Failure to Appear, also referred to as an FTA, will also go on your driving record and your license may be suspended until you clear the FTA. Cases of Multiple Charges, Including a Violation of VC If you are charged with other crimes in additional to a violation of VC , such as a DUI or Reckless driving in violation of VC , there is a good change that the prosecutor will dismiss the violation of VC in exchange for a guilty or no contest plea to one of the more serious charges being made against you.
Perhaps that is not much consolation, but it is something. We are experience attorneys who can help you through any legal issues you may have. To be found guilty of violating Vehicle Code section , the following must have been true: You were driving a motor vehicle; Upon a highway; Upon the demand of a peace officer or traffic collision investigator; You failed to provide proof of insurance also referred to as proof of financial responsibility for the motor vehicle that is in effect at the time.
All rights reserved. If you choose to use this site or services provided by Ticket Snipers you agree that the information provided on this website and information given by Ticket Snipers representatives, employees or agents is not legal advice and no Attorney-Client relationship is created. Ticket Snipers is not a law firm, does not practice law, does not give legal advice and the representatives, agents and principles of Ticket Snipers are not acting as your attorney.
Instead, you are representing yourself in any legal matter you undertake with the use of Ticket Snipers' services regarding your traffic ticket or citation. Call Now: Fight My Ticket Now. One-Touch Tools. The Latest. Terms and Conditions Privacy Policy. Auto Insurance Savings Calculator. Points on my record before this ticket - 0 1 2 3 Unknown. What type of traffic ticket did you receive? Dismiss This Ticket. Upon receipt by the clerk of that written evidence of financial responsibility in a form consistent with Section , further proceedings on the notice to appear for the violation of subdivision a shall be dismissed.
Vehicle Code - VEH. Compulsory Financial Responsibility [ - ] Chapter 1 repealed and added by Stats. Financial Responsibility [ - ] Article 2 added by Stats.